Replacing the locking system: costs in 2025

Conventional locking systems are installed in many buildings. However, the advantages of electronic locking systems are unbeatable, so many are thinking about converting to this variant. This article shows how much it costs to replace a locking system.

Cost factors: How much does it cost to replace a locking system?

Electronic locking systems impress with a number of advantages. They are convenient, offer a high level of security and can be flexibly configured. It is true that electronic locking systems are considered more expensive than conventional systems. However, these costs are quickly put into perspective due to the many advantages .

A particular advantage is the security if a key is lost or stolen. While the entire system has to be replaced with a conventional locking system, such a replacement is not necessary with the electronic version. This saves a lot of costs in the event of a replacement. Users should therefore focus on the immense savings potential.

Depending on the manufacturer and functions, the costs for an electronic locking system vary. If you want to replace your system, you should expect various cost points. As with any purchase, the installation costs and follow-up costs are also relevant when changing. To determine the cost expenditure, both cost items are added together.

The following cost factors should be taken into account when replacing the locking system:

  • Number of locks required: How many doors should be equipped with a lock and included in the system?
  • Installation: How complex is the installation of the locking system? Is it possible that certain technical equipment is a prerequisite?
  • Security: The higher the quality, the safer a system is. However, high quality is usually accompanied by higher costs. In any case, you should pay attention to high security standards and special encryption, such as those used by BlueID .
  • Access medium: No conventional keys are used in an electronic locking system. Rather, alternative access media such as key cards, RFID chips as key fobs, fingerprint sensors or transponders are being used. Depending on how many electronic keys are needed, the costs vary.
  • Maintenance and management: Electronic locking systems prove to be so advantageous precisely because they can be managed via software. A monthly fee is often charged here. This gives you access to all permissions at any time and allows you to adjust them flexibly.

It is also relevant whether the new locking system is to be operated in addition to the old one. Some users want to continue using the mechanical locking system. Others opt for a full replacement.  

In addition to the acquisition costs, there are often additional items. Keep your eyes open and note if there  are any hidden costs with the provider. With BlueID, you benefit from a high degree of transparency, so that you can calculate exactly what costs you will incur. Our prices are already clear when the contract is concluded.

Cost comparison: Purely mechanical or digital locking system?

The costs between purely mechanical and digital locking systems vary. Conventional locking systems are usually cheaper. The following cost factors must be taken into account:

  • Number of locking cylinders
  • Security
  • Number of keys
  • Locking system or equal keying

Mechanical models also differ from the electronic version in terms of running costs. Maintenance contracts are common in both cases. In the case of electronic locking systems, however, management by software is added.

As a rule, however, the additional costs for an electronic locking system are worth it. After all, you will benefit from great benefits and save in the event of a loss of keys. In the long term, you can even save costs with an electronic locking system – so it is worth replacing it.

Do the costs for the exchange of locking systems vary from companies to private individuals?

If you want to replace a locking system and convert it to an electronic version, you can expect certain costs. But do these vary from companies to private individuals?

Basically, the costs are the same. However, the scope of the locking system usually differs greatly. While private individuals usually only need a few digital locks, a large amount is required in a company. In addition, more people go in and out of a company building, so more digital keys have to be assigned and managed.

For this reason alone, the cost of replacing the locking system in the business sector is usually higher than in a private household.


It is not possible to make a general statement about how much it costs to replace a locking system. However, the fact is that various factors can increase or decrease costs. Would you like to convert your locking system to an electronic version? At BlueID, you will receive tailor-made solutions for your company or private household. We guarantee you full cost control when replacing the locking system.

So easy, hard to believe

With just a few clicks and seconds, users can be granted secure access.

Create a key

In just a few seconds, you create the right key for the right person and send it to the recipient in an appealing email.
Graphic with a key and the BlueID software, which shows how to create a tailor-made key in just a few seconds and send it to the recipient by email.
Graphic with a key and the BlueID software, which shows how the recipient clicks on the link in the email and the app automatically receives the key.

Accept the key

The recipient clicks on the link and the app automatically receives the key.

Open door

The recipient can now open the doors assigned to him at the specified times.
Image of a door that symbolizes that the recipient can use the BlueID software to open the assigned doors at specified times.
Image of a log sheet that shows how a complete overview of events relating to keys, locks and key holders can be retrieved with the BlueID software with just a few clicks.

Fast Access Audit

With just a few clicks, you get a complete overview of events related to the key, the locks and the key holder.