Integrable digital access and identity solutions

With BlueID, you can seamlessly integrate modern access and identity solutions into your products. Benefit from flexible APIs, SDKs, and comprehensive support for all popular platforms.

Modernes Bürogebäude, das mit den digitalen Schließanlagen von BlueID für eine moderne Zutrittskontrolle ausgestattet ist.

BlueID offers developers and OEMs the perfect platform for integrating smart access and identity solutions. With extensive APIs, SDKs and support for platforms such as CapacitorJS, Flutter, React, React Native and our unique C-SDK, we enable you to easily connect and deeply integrate your systems. Regardless of whether you control machines, buildings or vehicles — BlueID gives you full control and flexibility.

Well-known customers rely on our products
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Support for all popular platforms and languages

Whether you're working with CapacitorJS, Flutter, React Native, Swift, Kotlin, or our unique C-SDK, BlueID gives you the tools you need to integrate smart access and identity solutions. Develop on your preferred platform and flexibly adapt features to meet your requirements.

BlueID supported languages for the integration of digital identity solutions
BlueID digital access solutions for developers and OEMs
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Easy integration into your existing infrastructure

Our API and SDK solutions can be easily integrated into your existing app and system landscape. Thanks to compatibility with common IdP systems such as Microsoft Entra and Google Auth, we make user and rights management easier. Rely on a flexible and secure solution that adapts perfectly to your infrastructure.

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Highest safety standards for your applications

With BlueID, you rely on proven security standards and cutting-edge encryption technologies. Our solutions provide protection against unauthorized access and guarantee secure management of user rights and identities. Whether online or offline — your data and access are always protected.

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Implementation from a customer perspective

Mathias Heinz, Head of IT at FONC, reports enthusiastically about the smooth and fast integration of the BlueID access solution into The Ship, implemented together with our partner Thing-It. FONC was particularly impressed by BlueID's uncomplicated implementation and excellent customer service.

Thanks to flexible API integration and professional support, the locking system was implemented efficiently and without problems. For anyone looking for a smart locking system solution, Mathias Heinz has a clear recommendation: BlueID.

So easy, hard to believe

With just a few clicks and seconds, users can be granted secure access.

Create a key

In just a few seconds, you create the right key for the right person and send it to the recipient in an appealing email.
Grafik mit einem Schlüssel und der BlueID-Software, die zeigt, wie in wenigen Sekunden ein passgenauer Schlüssel erstellt und per E-Mail an den Empfänger gesendet wird.
Grafik mit einem Schlüssel und der BlueID-Software, die veranschaulicht, wie der Empfänger auf den Link in der E-Mail klickt und die App den Schlüssel automatisch übernimmt.

Accept key

The recipient clicks on the link and the app automatically receives the key.

Open door

The recipient can now open the doors assigned to him at the specified times.
Bild einer Tür, die symbolisiert, dass der Empfänger mit der BlueID-Software die ihm zugeordneten Türen zu festgelegten Zeitpunkten öffnen kann.
Bild eines Protokollblatts, das zeigt, wie mit nur wenigen Klicks eine vollständige Übersicht über die Ereignisse zu Schlüssel, Schlössern und Schlüsselinhabern mit der BlueID-Software abgerufen werden kann.

Audit & System Logs

With just a few clicks, you get a complete overview of events related to the key, the locks and the key holder.

So einfach, kaum zu glauben

Integrieren Sie eine vollumfassende Identitäts- und Zutrittskontrolllösung in Ihre Anwendung.

Entwickeln Sie in Ihrer Wunschsprache

Wir unterstützen alle gängigen Plattformen - ob nativ in Kotlin und Swift oder mit einem plattformübergreifenden Framework wie react native, CapacitorJS oder Flutter.
1const lock: BlueLock = ...
3await lock.sendCommand()

In 2 Minuten integriert

Unsere SDKs enthalten alle Funktionen des BlueID Sytems und können komplett individualisiert werden.

Benutzermanagement aufsetzen

In wenigen Schritten binden Sie alle gängigen Identity Provider an - oder Sie entscheiden sich für eine API-gesteuerte Benutzermanagement - ganz wie Sie es benötigen.
Erfolgreiche und verwehrte Zutritte einfach in der Cloud nachverfolgen

Geschäftsprozesse abbilden

Unsere SDKs, Plugins und REST API sind auf höchstmögliche Flexibilität ausgelegt. Sie können Ihren Geschäftsprozess vollumfänglich Ihren und den Bedürfnissen Ihrer Kunden anpassen.

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What others say about us

Everyone who has seen BlueID in action appreciates the flexibility, security and ease of use of our access solutions.

BlueID Customer Reviews
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“Access management for employees and guests has never been easier.
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“User-friendly, flexible and secure — the perfect system.
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“Easy management and maximum security for our tenants.
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“Add new offices and employees? It's child's play with BlueID!”
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Do you have any questions?

We know that digital access solutions are new to many. Have a look at our FAQ — here we answer your most common questions.

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